What is the Kansa Wand and How Does It Work?
Kansa is a unique version of bronze composed of a specific ratio of copper and tin. It has been used in Indian Ayurvedic healing for thousands of years and is known as the “healing metal of India”. It is used in healing bodywork, and can have a detoxifying effect on the tissues.
If you look around the beauty industry you’ll notice copper peptides in skin creams, pillows, and even hair care products, and you’ll find such items as copper bracelets and even copper vessels to drink from. This is a handmade tool and requires no electric current or chemical solution, so when the Kansa massage wand is used in conjunction with oils, the smooth contact with mild friction of the wand causes mild stretching of the skin and pull acidity from the tissues.
There are 4 sizes: larger to work the back, legs, and shoulders, smaller sizes work the hands, feet, and face. The very small "marma" tool works on trigger points and acupressure points. This tool can be incorporated into any massage with no "upcharge".